Statement of Policy Intent

It is the policy of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brentwood to secure so far as reasonably practical the health, safety and welfare of all who work for the Diocese either in a paid or voluntary capacity and to protect members of the congregation, visitors and others who may be affected by our activities.

We, the Members of The Board of the Corporate Trustee for the Diocese, seek to:

• Ensure so far as reasonably practicable a safe place and systems of work for paid and other
workers to prevent personal injury, work related ill-health and damage to property.
• Protect our congregations, visitors and other members of the public who may use our offices, parishes and other associated buildings.
• Provide safe plant and equipment, encourage safe handling of hazardous materials and substances and provide adequate safety equipment.
• Ensure a systemic approach to identifying hazards, assessing the risks, determining suitable and sufficient control measures and informing paid and other workers of the correct procedures to maintain a safe environment.
• Inform all clergy, paid and other workers of their personal responsibilities to take due care of the health and safety of themselves, and to avoid endangering other persons by their acts or omissions.
• Ensure that all clergy, paid and other workers are competent to undertake the tasks expected of them and can access appropriate instruction, training and supervision where necessary.
• Consult with clergy, paid and other relevant persons, on matters affecting their health and safety.
• Continually monitor health and safety and, if necessary, revise policies and procedures to ensure health and safety standards are maintained.

All who undertake work for the Diocese are expected to act responsibly to prevent injury or work-related ill-health to themselves and others, and to co-operate with the Diocese in all matters relating to health and safety and the environment.


Signed: Bishop Alan Williams sm

(on behalf of The Board of the Brentwood Roman Catholic Diocese Trustee)

Date: July 2024


Health and Safety – Statement of Policy Intent 2024

Diocesan HS Policy and Guidelines (V5) 2024 – FINAL VERSION