Canon Bob Hamill celebrates 50 years as a priest

Fittingly, Canon Bob Hamill, parish priest at St Michael’s in East Ham who regularly takes disabled and disadvantaged children and young people to Lourdes with HCPT, celebrated his golden jubilee on 20 July at the pilgrimage centre, where he is part of the annual Diocesan Pilgrimage. Fr Dominic Howarth reports that ‘Fr Bob’ received many

Catholic Union welcomes Vatican Cricket Team to Parliament

The Catholic Union welcomed a team of cricket players from the Vatican to Parliament this week. The team, known as St Peter’s First XI, are on a visit to the UK for their “Light of Faith” tour which has seen them play matches across the country as well as visit Westminster Cathedral and Westminster Abbey.

Centre for Social Thought & Practice offers key election resources

The Centre for Catholic Social Thought and Practice brings together academics, charities, religious orders and social movements who are engaged in Catholic social thought and practice, and facilitates an ongoing conversation about how to think, talk, and act in response to our rapidly changing context and the social thought of the Church.