On 6th July, there will be a conference in Brentwood Cathedral Hall bringing together those who are involved in local and national marriage support and enrichment organisations, and those working to support marriage at parish level. Brenden Thompson, Lead Coordinator, Catholic Voices, and his wife Laura Thompson, teacher and Catholic Voice, who are well known in the diocese, will be speaking about we can communicate the good news about marriage and the family.

There will also be a free-ranging discussion about how we can proceed with the ‘Family’ strand of diocesan renewal, and it is hoped to that a representative from each parish partnership will be able to attend.

10.00 Doors open, tea & coffee available

10.30 Introduction to the work of the Marriage and Family Life Department
Fr Matthew Bemand-Qureshi, Director & Chaplain
Anna McCormick, Project Officer

11.00 Group Discussion: Diocesan vision and ‘family’ as a strand of renewal
Participants will be invited to discuss in groups what can be done to promote this aspect of our diocesan renewal. There will be an opportunity to present suggestions later on.

11.30 Communicating the Good News of Marriage and the Family
Brenden Thompson, Lead Coordinator, Catholic Voices
Laura Thompson, Teacher and Catholic Voice

12.30 Lunch
A buffet lunch will be provided. Donations are appreciated but not required.

1.15 Marriage Organisations Forum
Representatives of national and local marriage organisations are invited to give brief presentations on their work.

1.45 Q&A and plenary discussion
Participants will be invited to address questions to any of our speakers and to present suggestions from the earlier discussion.

2.30 Conclusion of Conference

3.00 Mass of Thanksgiving for Marriage and Family Life (in the Cathedral)
Celebrant & Preacher: Bishop Alan Williams sm, Bishop of Brentwood

Conference participants are invited to attend the Mass and stay for the reception which follows.

The conference is open to anyone who is interested and is free of charge, with lunch provided, but booking (via Eventbrite) is essential.
