Diocesan Pilgrimage to Walsingham – 25th May 2019: Join Bishop Alan and other parishes around the Diocese of Brentwood in Walsingham as we honour Our Lady of Walsingham. We will celebrate Mass at the Basilica before walking the Holy Mile to the grounds of Walsingham Abbey to celebrate Vespers and Benediction on the site of the Holy House.
Diocesan Pilgrimage Organiser Fr Daniel Kelly has written to all parish representatives with booking and other details of the day, while Director of Music Andrew Wright has already been in contact with parishes to find singers and musicians for the pilgrimage. The first parish to book a place will be invited to provide pilgrims for other liturgical roles.
Says Fr Daniel: “The re-dedication of England as the Dowry of Mary is now only a year away and this is our chance as a Diocese to celebrate that in the Nazareth of England where Our Blessed Lady is enthroned.”
If you would like to go as a parish group or individually, please contact Fr Dan at [email protected]