An opportunity to join with other headteachers across the Diocese of Brentwood in contemplation and prayerful reflection. An offering of diocesan support for the Catholic Life of our schools, taking place first Wednesday of every month (with the exception of April 2023) from 10:00 am –  10:30 am.

Invitation only, if you are a Headteacher within one of our Brentwood Diocesan School and would like to join, please contact [email protected] to obtain the Zoom link.


  • Opening prayer to Holy Spirit to be open to the word of God; moment of stillness and gratitude
  • LECTIO – what God is saying: the slow, deliberate reading of the passage of scripture – we used the Gospel from the forthcoming Sunday. Read the passage again, perhaps with variety of voices
  • MEDITATIO – what God is saying to me: reflection on the reading, the group are invited to share ‘echoes’ from the text, a phrase that strikes them (and why, if you wish). This is not a discussion, no feedback, let the comment ‘echo’ in your heart
  • ORATIO – what I would like to say to God: spontaneous prayers of intercession, ending, Lord in your mercy….hear our prayer
  • CONTEMPLATIO – a period of silence in which we ‘rest in God’ and let the Holy Spirit deepen our awareness of the word
  • Our Father said in common, final invocation of the saint of the day, or patron saint
  • (ACTIO) – this is more common when praying Lectio on your own that you conclude with an ‘action’ in order to grow in virtue.