The second event of the ‘Year of the God who Speaks’, which runs from 2019-2020 and is promoted by the Bishops of England and Wales, will be a study day on ‘The Scriptures in Advent’, to be given by the renowned biblical scholar, Fr Nicholas King SJ, at the Catholic Church of Christ the Eternal High Priest, Brentwood Road, Gidea Park (RM2 6DH) from 10.30 until 3 pm on Saturday 23 November.

Copies of THE REVISED NEW JERUSALEM BIBLE, a full revision of the Jerusalem and New Jerusalem Bibles, launched by Darton, Longman and Todd in July, will be available at the study day. Fr Adrian Graffy, our own biblical scholar, says: “As we begin the Year of the Word, it offers a fresh translation in modern English and in keeping with the latest scholarship.”

Copies can be obtained at a discounted price  (£30 instead of R.R.P. £39.99) at the study day or by contacting the parish of Christ the Eternal High Priest at Gidea Park on 01708 449914, or by email to [email protected]

Admission to the study day is free, but please reserve your place by email to [email protected] or by phone to 01708 449914.

Refreshments will be available but please bring your own packed lunch. There is ample free parking at the church, which is three minutes’ walk from Gidea Park station. Easy connections by bus and by TfL to Stratford, Liverpool Street, and Brentwood.