Fr Adrian Graffy will lead the second part of his exploration of the Gospel of Matthew, the lectionary gospel for Sundays in 2020, from 7 pm until 8.30 pm on Wednesday 29 January at the Catholic Church of Christ the Eternal High Priest, Gidea Park.

Admission is free, but please book your place by email to [email protected] Copies of the recently published ‘Revised New Jerusalem Bible’ will be on sale for £30 (reduced from the normal price of £39.99).

Download flyer: GPFE January 2020 Gospel of Matthew

Videos of recent study days

Videos of the first two study days in the series marking the Year of the God who Speaks, which is being promoted by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales at, are now available online at  Both Fr Adrian Graffy’s day entitled ‘Beginning with Genesis’, which opened the series and is preceded by Bishop Alan William’s introduction, and the day given more recently by Fr Nicholas King SJ on ‘The Scriptures in Advent’ are free to view on

Just go to the home page and click on ‘Watch latest event’.