CAFOD offers Livesimply information sessions for schools and parishes

Has your parish or school decided to work towards the CAFOD Livesimply award as one of its Laudato Si’ pledges?

Following the recent launch of the Diocese of Brentwood’s Laudato Si’ Invitations, Commitments and Actions, CAFOD in Brentwood and East Anglia are delighted to offer online Livesimply Award information sessions during November to help parishes and schools take the first initial steps to becoming a Livesimply community.

The sessions will provide information, encouragement and support to school staff and governors who are thinking about how Livesimply may work in their school community. We will be discussing:

  • Why Livesimply?
  • What is the Livesimply Award?
  • The Livesimply Award process
  • Hearing from other parishes and schools on achieving the Livesimply Award

The sessions will be held online on:

Parishes – Wednesday 3 November at 7.30pm

Parishes – Wednesday 24 November at 7.30pm

Schools – 18 November at 5.30pm

Schools – 2 December at 7.30pm

Parishioners, school staff and governors from existing Livesimply parishes and those who are already registered and working towards the Award are also welcome to attend.

Please register for a place so the organiser knows you will be attending. Once registered and before the session begins you will receive an invitation with a Zoom link. For more information and to register a place please contact Chris Driscoll at [email protected]