Take a look at Brentwood Cathedral’s Easter videos

Why not take a look at some video reflections published for Easter by Brentwood Cathedral, including one crafted for children by Deacon Simon Conrad and his wife Sarah. The other reflections include one for Good Friday from Fr Gary Dench, the Exsultet sung by Deacon Simon and a reflection for Easter Sunday by Dean Fr Martin Boland.

Brentwood Cathedral has also unveiled its 2020 Paschal Candle: designed and painted by the London based artist, Mike Quirke. It is a striking and vigorous depiction of the Risen Christ. mikequirke.com/home/about/

If you would like to know more about the origins of the Exsultet (or Exultet): https://blogs.bl.uk/digitisedmanuscripts/2020/04/exultet-rolls-celebrating-the-return-of-the-light.html


Maundy Thursday with Deacon Simon Conrad

Way of the Cross for Children with Deacon Simon Conrad

Good Friday reflection with Fr Gary Dench

Exsultet with Deacon Simon Conrad

Easter Sunday with Dean Fr Martin Boland