Interested in finding out more about the priesthood?

The Diocese is planning to continue the Evenings for Vocations enquirers in the new year.  Canon John Harvey, Dean at Brentwood Cathedral, has kindly agreed to host the evenings there.

Fr Mark Swires, Vocations Director, says: “These sessions include a time of prayer, input on vocations and discussion, followed by some food and social time together. They allow people who are interested in priesthood to hear from priests about discerning their vocation.” These evenings, he adds, have worked well in the past, providing an open door for those wishing to find out more, without obligation. “We have a number of ordinations coming up and some of these men have come to priesthood through this door.”

He is also keen for any enquirers interested in the priesthood to attend a day-long Vocations Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Willesden in North London on Saturday 23 December.

Please contact Fr Mark Swires – [email protected] – for more information and to have an initial chat.