Who would you like to pray for?

During the month of November, we particularly remember and pray for the dead.  On the Art of Dying Well’s Instagram memorial page, you can submit names/photos and or memories of people you have known who have died. The website’s authors are inviting you to post, via the Art of Dying Well’s Instagram or Twitter platforms (@artofdyingwell), pictures or memories of your loved ones who are dying or who have already died. It is also a chance to remember those who you have not personally known, but who come to mind because they have no one else left to pray for them.

By tagging @ArtofDyingWell with #RememberThem, the photos/names will then be shared with five convents and abbeys who will remember and pray for those featured.

The Carmelites of Notting Hill speak about the #RememberThem initiative:


Visit The Art of Dying Well for more information: www.artofdyingwell.org