Could you stay siLENT for a day?

Joe Beattie, manager at the Diocesan retreat house at Abbotswick, is preparing to stay siLENT for 24 hours, as a way of standing up for voiceless young people. He is taking part in Million Minutes’ siLENT challenge, which means that he will not speak or communicate using his phone for a whole day – a difficult task. In doing this, he will be raising money for charities who are working every day to empower young people.

He says: “Working with young people every day at Walsingham House at Abbotswick means I am blessed to have the opportunity to see what happens when you give them a platform to be passionate. Please help me to support the work of Million Minutes, who work so hard to give young people a voice.”

“It’s just two weeks now until I give up my voice for a whole 24 hours and I’m halfway to my fundraising goal of £300! Please support me if you can.” (Click to sponsor Joe.)

Million Minutes is a young, dynamic charity working to see every young person given a voice and using it to make a positive impact.

Launched in 2011 with the support of Delia Smith, Margaret Mizen and Fr Christopher Jamison, its mission is to enable young people to be the difference in the world. CEO Danny Curtin says: “Too often young people’s enthusiasm and creativity is underestimated. They get shut out of decision-making, stereotyped, and scapegoated for society’s problems. And it’s not right.”

“So we develop new and innovative projects that help empower young people, inspired by the principles of Catholic social teaching to preserve the dignity of all human beings, to care for creation, and to reach out to those in need.”

Brentwood seminarian Paschal Uche is a strong supporter. He says: “Million Minutes seems to really strike at the core of current issues for young people in the church and the community. It engages the social dimension through fundraising and in addition an opportunity for silence and real reflection on the beauty of God through it.”

The charity delivers:

  • siLENT, a way to engage more deeply in the season of Lent while raising money to support its grants fund;
  • The Celebrating Young People Awards, an awards ceremony honouring young people who exemplify the principles of Catholic social teaching;
  • A new project developing a model for local detached youth work using the skills and energy of parish communities;
  • a grants scheme, awarding grants which promote and support youth action and youth advocacy.