The A3 Leaflet which opens out as a poster full of inspiring quotes and images on one side, and summarises the Diocesan commitments, as well as offering inspiration for individuals, on the other, is available to download here: Laudato Si A3 fold out poster

The pledge cards, inviting people to make three serious commitments including prayer, practical action as an individual, and being part of practical action as a parish or school community, or as a family, are available to download here: Laudato Si’ pledge card



For those making a display in a school, parish or other setting, this beautiful set of posters can be downloaded as PDFs in either landscape format (ideal if you have screens in reception, etc., or you are using them on a Powerpoint) or portrait format, using these links: LaudatoSi’ Posters PORTRAIT and LaudatoSi’ Posters LANDSCAPE

You will find many more local, national and international resources on the school, parish and individuals’ pages.