All welcome to an organ recital with Kelly Yeung at lunchtime on 18 May.
Quinlan Terry to give Cathedral lecture

Find out more about classical inspiration that informed the distinctive style of Brentwood Cathedral.
Join Polina Sosnina for a lunchtime organ recital

Polina studies organ with David Graham and Andrew Dewar at the Royal College of Music, supported by the Kenneth and Violet Scott Scholarship.
Join Ivan Leung for an organ recital at Brentwood Cathedral

Ivan is currently studying at the RCM, is Organ Scholar of Farm Street Church in London and also organist at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception and Saint Benedict Church in Hong Kong.
Hear from Million Minutes at February’s Youth Mass

Join Fr Paschal Uche and Fr Michael Barwick for a Youth Mass on 3 February, preceded by pizza and a talk from Million Minutes’ Beth Warren.
Join David Silkoff for a lunchtime recital at Cathedral

Enjoy the Lessons and Carols service in person or online

For those unable to attend the Christmas Service of Lessons and Carols on 19 December in person, there is a video recording available.
Would you like to ‘be a Cathedral Chorister for a Day’?

An opportunity for boys aged between seven and 12 who like singing to try their voice in a choir. No experience necessary.
Come to a Cathedral piano recital with Maria Razumovskaya

A ‘virtuoso storyteller of the piano’, Maria will be performing Mussorgsky’s ‘Pictures at an Exhibition’.
Redbridge Youth Choir concert to raise funds for Cystic Fibrosis Trust