National research indicates that a school is unlikely to succeed without an effective governing board.

Strong governance is essential to ensuring successful educational outcomes since school governors and trustees, although volunteers, play a vital strategic role in holding school leaders to account through support, challenge and driving school improvement.

How we can support you

The Education team at the Diocese of Brentwood recognises that school governors’ responsibilities are wide-ranging with boards and local governing committees facing new challenges on a regular basis, and we are committed to supporting you in carrying out your role effectively through:

  • regular communications to help keep you up-to-date with the latest legislation, guidance and good practice
  • professional but approachable support and advice, in confidence if necessary
  • support with governor recruitment
  • a programme of governor development to enable effective governing boards, particularly with the specific task of leading a Church school. Most of these practical, high-quality workshops, delivered by experienced professionals, are free to all governors in Diocese of Brentwood schools. Please see the events section to book your place on our workshops
  • development of a school governance area on the website to help you find those key Ofsted, DfE, Academy, Diocesan and good practice documents quickly and easily.


I truly believe that no school can perform well over a sustained period of time without effective governance

Lord Theodore Agnew, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Schools

Become a foundation governor

Being a foundation governor in a Catholic school is very rewarding, and a great way to live out your faith and serve your local community. It is also an opportunity to learn new skills which can have a positive impact on your own self-development. Click HERE to find out more information about the role of a foundation governor.

If you are interested in becoming a governor at one of our schools, we’d love to hear from you. Here you can find an application form to become a foundation governor in the Diocese of Brentwood and the list of current vacancies

Alternatively, please get in touch if you would like to discuss further.