The Bishops’ Conference is urging Catholics to pray for the people of Afghanistan.
The Bishops’ Conference is urging Catholics to pray for the people of Afghanistan.
A total of over 800 attended in person at Masses celebrated in Leigh on Sea, Clacton, Canning Town, Wanstead and the Cathedral during the pilgrimage week and after each Mass the parish hall, school or garden was filled with joyful encounter and conversation.
Can you support Fr Dominic’s charity bike ride?
Fr Gerald Gostling, who worked with orphaned children and vulnerable people in our twinned Diocese of Dundee for many years, recently returned to the UK. Here he gives his view on what is happening in South Africa.
Many prayers and blessings for Callum Young, Joseph Bailham, Michael Barwick, Damien Wade, Anthony Grant and Anthony Rowley.
The Relay 100 event aims to link up every parish church and mass centre in the Brentwood Diocese by recruiting individual supporters to walk, run or cycle one of 100 routes, raising much-needed funds through sponsorship.
New video presentations from Fr Adrian Graffy demonstrate the skill with which Mark put his gospel together and how others built on it.
As a global maritime charity, Stella Maris has been playing a crucial role in supporting seafarers and fishers during the COVID-19 pandemic, and is continuing to offer spiritual and practical help to those most in need.
The Newham team are raising funds for charity Caritas Anchor House, which is anticipating a huge surge in homelessness this summer, as the furlough scheme draws to a close.
Abbot Geoffrey, who lectures in Church History at Blackfriars Hall, Oxford, said Colchester should enhance its status in the same way as Reading has with its ‘Abbey Quarter’.